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Roles and permissions

The roles system in the platform is designed to give you fine-grained control over what your organization's team members can do.


Each role has a set of permissions that define what it can do:

Viewing projects and algorithms
Adding/Deleting/Modifying projects
Pushing/Deleting workflows
Creating/Managing deployments
Managing members

Partner users

As a partner, users have no permissions in the organization. This role allow you to add external users to your organization without giving them any permissions on all the projects and algorithms.

You can then assign upgrade their role in a specific project or algorithm to restrict their access to only that project or algorithm.

Cease organization ownership

Organization requires at least one owner. If you want to cease your ownership, you need to assign the ownership to another member first and downgrading your own role to member or manager. Then, the new owner can remove you from the organization.